Small Business Owner, here's clear (free) help about Affordable Care Act

If you are a small business owner, or person who does not have health care provided by your employer, let me help you. My card is shown below.

I look forward to helping you.
Terry L Scott

Dentists Promote Duluth MN area Practices with Imprinted Products MyImprintRepDOTcom

Following is an open letter to any dentist who desires to increase the number of clients and also keep them (it's full size at the bottom of our webpage):

Comic Handwriting Interpreter (Graphologist) for your Duluth Entertainment

Do something different this year for your sales meetings, annual dinner meetings, award celebrations etc.

Ter Scott is the Comic Handwriting Interpreter and will interpret the writing of your guests at your event in a fun (and funny) way that is both entertaining and educational!

Contact his office ASAP to reserve your date!