Calling all Best of the Best Businesses in the Twin Ports. Get your F r ee ad here.

If you are not yet familiar with this site, I encourage you to visit and "Like" it so you'll see all the cool stuff when it's posted. And be sure to post things yourself. It's a great way to share; right here in our great Twin Ports area! 

Now, for all of those awesome business which were voted the "Best of the Best", you may have received our email which went something like what is shown below. Use the contact form and request a submission form so we can get your business card from you and post it on the Twin Ports Classified page. We'll let you know when your card (with the Voted Best emblem) has been posted so you can then visit and link it to your site to get more traffic and buzz about your business! 

Having your business voted as the Best of the Best allows you to display this banner on your advertising. Take advantage of that clout! Shout it out! We're not associated with the fine News Tribune but since you have this designation you can present it with your business card on our local social media site. You just need to get your business card to us, and we'll take care of the rest... 

Have you forgotten? Don't let your clients, customers and prospects forget. Display your awesomeness on our Facebook page for free! 

You and your business were voted the “Best of the Best”. Obviously you must know the significance in this milestone. However, you may not be using this as an advantageous marketing tool. I’d like to offer a free way to get more people to your website and to your physical store.

Hello, my name is Ter Scott and I’m the owner ASK LLC; All Solutions Known. One of the things my firm offers is free exposure via our local Facebook page, .

I am inviting all who were voted the “Best of the Best” to submit a business card of their business and we’ll add the “Best of the Best” emblem on it and post it. We’ll notify you when your post is published so you can comment, tag friends and customers and add a link to your webpage.

Why am I offering this free service?

I believe in small business and all it brings to our awesome Twin Ports area. Plus, this is a way to introduce Ask LLC to you if you’ve not yet heard of our services we offer to small business.

If you are not a member of NFIB, as a membership rep for the area I’m authorized to register your business. For details, please visit my blog article:

If you are not taking advantage of relief programs for your business which do not need to be repaid if not, why not? We’ll do a no fee search for programs and you only pay a fee when we find you monies. See what monies your business qualifies for here.

Every business uses imprinted items to promote their message. Ask LLC has partnered with Halo, the largest Branding Solutions Company of its kind. We are proud to serve individuals, professionals and small businesses all the way to some huge companies like Wendy’s, Allstate, Jim Beam and others. 40,000 clients can’t be wrong. Let us earn your business. Be sure to request free shipping on your first order. Visit AskHaloforImprintsDOTCOM.

I hope you’ll consider one or all three of my services mentioned above but either way, be sure to reply to this email with a jpeg of your business card so I can place it on the Facebook page .

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott! Ask LLC 

PS. You and your business don't have to have been voted the Best of the Best to post your business card, event and more at this great social media page. Visit now to see what all the buzz is about.