Vendors at Women Rock in Duluth MN: Be sure to get these FREE GIFTS.

 Ter Scott Offers two great values to vendors who 

participated in Women Rock this year. 

I wanted to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for all that the volunteer team, and to all the wonderful vendors who truly did make “Women Rock this year. As an entertainer at the event (Graphologist and Singer of the True Country Classics) and also having a table, it was a real pleasure seeing all of the vendors with their passion in presenting information and education first and profit second; their hearts were right!

There were a lot of vendors present and I didn’t have time to see every one on Saturday (November 7th, 2015 at Spirit Mountain in Duluth MN) during the event and of course I did not want to take any time from them if they were assisting visitors, so now I would now like use this article to express my thanks to them for leaving their businesses to be at Women Rock to help make it successful in all the right ways.

Please, be sure to find out the date for next year's event and be there. As a marketer I this tip. Make the decision to be there and then for these next 12 months market the fact that your business will be there. In that way, you'll bring awareness to the cause of Women Rock while reminding people of what you and your business offer. You'll create momentum for next year's traffic!  

Now, to express my gratitude in a real "dollars and sense" way, I am offering a few things to anyone who was a vendor at this year's event:

First, as a Graphologist, I offer a free handwriting analysis via the mail. Details are at my website: Handwriting Analysis is not purely for entertainment as I have corporate clients who use my services to hire and fire, to fit people into teams and work situations that better suit their personalities, and even to improve people and sales skills!

Secondly, I offer a free display ad at for 3 full months! It’s another way for exposure of their business, products and services.  Even though there is a charge for adding a link which takes people to their site, when they mention Women Rock, I will add a link to their site for no cost! If anyone knows about SEO, getting links to your site is a big deal.

Again, thanks for all and I look forward in promoting next year’s event all year long and to be a part of it again.

Make it a great day! 

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