New Marketing Program (Bigger than Google, says Ter Scott) is Revealed to the Twin Ports

Do you need more customers? Do you need more referrals? Would you like more loyalty from your customers and be the first business they think of when they need your product and service?

Hello. My name is Ter Scott and I know that you’ve honestly answered the questions above because you are still reading this. I won’t waste your time. So let me state right at the outset that I have found something that offers all the above… and more; much more.

Never in my years as an advertising consultant; involved with various areas of marketing, have I seen something so powerful; something that in my estimation is bigger than the Yellow Pages ever were and Google can ever hope to be.


I was too, and I got aligned with a marketing movement that is literally taking small to medium sized business and placing it on a level playing field with the big box stores; but without all the headaches and hassles of starting and learning something new; it’s a simple concept and simple to implement. Finally, you’ll see empty store fronts filled again and people walking in and BUYING; and especially yours!

We are creating a Loyalty Merchant Communities in (name of city/town) and you and your business is invited to participate while your type of business is still open.

If any of this interests you, please call my cell (see below). We’ll set a 15 minute block of time at your location to discuss how this will be your best move in 2016 and probably for years to come. 

Please don’t expect me or my staff to explain this on the phone, it requires illustrations and a short video for you to view; remember that I said that this was “easy”? It’s my job to keep it that way. Further, remember that I said I won’t waste your time*. If after 15 minutes you don’t think this is the best marketing move you’ve seen, then the meeting is over. However, I still want to give you a free 6 month ad in one of the fastest growing websites in the Twin Ports.

So, right now, while you are thinking about it, look at your calendar and call me. If you get my voice mail, state your name, your company and phone number. If you have a few times available to meet this week, let me know that as well. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Make it a great day!
*Only certain business types are allowed to participate.  And by the way, I won’t be “selling” anything. If you share the same vision as I, then we will become “partners in promotion” ™. 

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